Here is what iRibbeantunes.com owner and managing director Andre Barrow had to say to Informtainment.com: My business partner is Mark Corbin and together we operate iRibbeantunes. We are both Barbadians, and currently reside in the UK. Though UK registered the company is wholly Caribbean owned by us. We are fully licensed by PRS for Music - The royalty collection agency here in the UK which is affiliated with all the Royalty Societies in the Caribbean (COTT, COSCAP etc)....
The Caribbean people and lovers of Caribbean music of all genres now have a home where they can legally download Caribbean music - http://www.iribbeantunes.com/.
Launched on June 19th this year iRibbeantunes caters to all Caribbean Artist irrespective of the genre of music they sing. Our catalogue is growing daily and spanning Reggae to Gospel Reggae, Soca to Zouk, Parang to Steel Pan. http://www.iribbeantunes.com/
Internationally, some of digital music's most respected blogs like Digital Music News have recognised iRibbeantunes entry into the digital download arena as a positive for niche mucic from the Caribbean and have praise the sites professional approach to the retailing of 'island music'. We focus on our music in a way that no other digital download service does by breaking the music down into our genres, by making our Artists the focus and not just content as the download services do. Its about the world getting our music legally and our artists benefitting from it so they can create more. www.iribbeantunes.com
So we invite you to log on have a click around, find your favourite artist, track or album and above all support our Artists by legally downloading their music. Help us spread the word, if you wish to become a partner with with iRibbeantunes feel free to contact us. If you are an artists, producer, record company and you leagally own your music and would like another distribution channel and revenue contact us at info@iribbeantunes.com.
Calling all Trinidadian artists Carnival is soon upon us let us help you get it out there and generate some sales from the buzz, lets do it early.
The Caribbean people and lovers of Caribbean music of all genres now have a home where they can legally download Caribbean music - http://www.iribbeantunes.com/.
Launched on June 19th this year iRibbeantunes caters to all Caribbean Artist irrespective of the genre of music they sing. Our catalogue is growing daily and spanning Reggae to Gospel Reggae, Soca to Zouk, Parang to Steel Pan. http://www.iribbeantunes.com/
Internationally, some of digital music's most respected blogs like Digital Music News have recognised iRibbeantunes entry into the digital download arena as a positive for niche mucic from the Caribbean and have praise the sites professional approach to the retailing of 'island music'. We focus on our music in a way that no other digital download service does by breaking the music down into our genres, by making our Artists the focus and not just content as the download services do. Its about the world getting our music legally and our artists benefitting from it so they can create more. www.iribbeantunes.com
So we invite you to log on have a click around, find your favourite artist, track or album and above all support our Artists by legally downloading their music. Help us spread the word, if you wish to become a partner with with iRibbeantunes feel free to contact us. If you are an artists, producer, record company and you leagally own your music and would like another distribution channel and revenue contact us at info@iribbeantunes.com.
Calling all Trinidadian artists Carnival is soon upon us let us help you get it out there and generate some sales from the buzz, lets do it early.