This is how I went about building my subscriber base.
1. Create something on facebook you think others will be drawn to
2. Utilize the platform to create groups, provide information, and fan pages
3. Connect with offline business and offer FREE promotions of their products/services through your fan pages, groups, etc
4. Use a email marketing service to collect emails for prizes or giveaways of products you want to promote.
5. Provide FREE music-this is important because I get countless DJ mixes and will offer friends in my facebook group an opportunity to get the Mix CD by email
6. Create not good but great content-I know not all content is created equal but social media allow for interaction of what others are doing and how they interact with the content they like. Leverage this to your advantage and create a HUB of information.
7. Above all remember to interact online. I like to call this the twitter and facebook etiquette. Don't just tag me or tweet me, introduce yourself. It is the same offline as online. Be courteous. People are more likely to give their email or subscribe to your service If they like what you have to offer.
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