I recently learned about Moderati through a Techcrunch article. I am aware that there are some Caribbean artistes who license their image, brand, etc. However, this is still unexplored in the Caribbean entertainment space. I envision a time when Caribbean artistes will get the importance of distributing their music through what I like to call the "experience portal".
The experience portal will be how Caribbean artiste license themselves to services like Romplr-recently used by the Hip Hop artist Soulja Boy. Think back to the days when you bought the tape, yep, the tape or cassette. The experience of pulling the wrapper from the package and seeing who wrote the songs-listening to the new music, and getting that first wave of music in your ear, had to be the best! Nowadays, when you purchase a new album, all you get is a electronic photo and the music. I started missing the experience. I am fully aware that future generations will not have this experience to miss.
Moderati brings this experience back through the use of social media. Techrcunch stated: In addition to being able to remix the single, 50 Cent is giving the user that creates the best remix with the app (and shares it on the app’s branded site), the opportunity to meet him. Compared to the other rap-focused iPhone apps out there, this one falls a little short in my opinion. It only lets you remix one song, and it seems for like more of an opportunity for 50 Cent to create buzz around his new single and promote Vitamin Water than to actually create a broadly entertaining app.
That being said, its free and could provide for some interesting and funny songs. Plus, songs can easily be shared to social networks. If the app could include some of 50 Cent’s more popular songs, such as “In Da Club,” perhaps it could give T-Pain’s popular app a run for it’s money.
This spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y for a Caribbean music industry lacking in music sales. Think about the experience of going to a concert! Think about about the experience of interacting with your favorite artiste on twitter! We have always purchased the experience. The market is clearly looking for ways to bring that experience back. I believe that the Caribbean music industry is ready for this transition. I would recommend that Iribbean tunes (one of my favorite Caribbean download media companies), Jamdown digital, Pukshop, and others start to explore this as a option.
*Photo from flickr-Javier Chavez Loeza
*Photo from flickr-Javier Chavez Loeza