Shanel Cooper-Sykes is making the rounds on facebook with a series of three minute videos about relationships. I saw these videos posted by friends on facebook and took an interest based on the titles. The titles listed were "All men are dogs" and "Keep it hot". This is all by design and created quite a discussion once I posted on our page. We had well over 20 comments and most were positive. Shanel's message is universal and quite frankly, make sense. The first video "All men are dogs" does not fall in the typical blame game, but a well rounded talk about self responsibility. This is reminiscent of the laws of attraction theory. After I checked out the videos, I was aware of my emotional response of wanting to learn more and also learn the name of this person I was seeing on video. Shanel cleverly plugged her book "Stilettos in the Kitchen" and I set out to search for this book. Here is what I think Shanel did right.

1. Create a buzz for your product
As I describe above, this straight forward video was only three minutes long. I felt like this was someone I knew from down the street, with whom I have had a conversation with. I posted this to my facebook page for all my friends to see the video. The video is now effectively becoming viral.

2. Don't Go Big, Go Authentic
When promoting a product many persons feel like they have to go Big. However, Big waste valuable resources and leave very little room for a learning curve. Shanel's videos are created to be friendly not as a author/lifestyle coach/TV personality that she is. The potential consumer of your product is your target. When they like you, the sky is the limit.

3. If you make it happen they will come!
I know that many set out on a path to create a buzz. There are two things that happen. Bloggers may like your product/concept and write about it. If no one likes your videos and no buzz is create, this can be a message to you about refining your message. In Shanel's case, I liked her product and decided to write about her book and videos all for free.



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