News you do not get anywhere else!

I think about stance on many issues. I was thinking about interrogation in the army forces and whether or not it can truly be humane. My first thought is it is war! What is humane in that. I am not fooled by the Rhetoric about humane treatment of prisoners in "war time". It is war it is not nice and certainly is bloody. Do I like it? Did I support it? NO!

Politicians need to stop it. People like my self across the world can smell, see, and know bullshit when it hits us in the face. Lets give a hand clap for honesty. John McCain said it well the other day. Did you watch the debates? He was a little more refreshing than the others.

Anyways thought I would share this article with you all. This is sparked my thinking about this issue

C. Brighter.....I am neither left wing or right wing. I am about what is right.



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